Empowering rural Ghanaian women

Impact of Sommalife


We pay women a fair price and increase there overall al revenue. Furthermore we supply their children with toys and stationaries.

We emancipate women by empowering them to earn enough for their households.

We provide the women with better jobs by training them to produce for the international market.  By prefinancing their production we reduce the financial pressure of  their households.

We demarcate and protect lands around our communities.  Furthermore, we are training the women to produce shea tree seedlings to reforest the degraded lands

Our story

Sommagoods is an initiative by Sommalife in an effort to bring the value back to the people who deserve it.

Our mission is to improve the livelihood of women in rural Ghana. These women work hard and produce shea butter on the side to improve their livelihood. However most of them still live on less then $2.- daily.

Sommalife was founded as a result of the great inequality in the cosmetics industry.  Sommalife started making impact by training women to produce for the international market. We connected to the women directly to global retailers and wholesalers in an effort to skip middlemen and use this money to provide financial assurance, educational training and reforestation of rural lands.

In a new effort to create more impact in these communities Sommalife is launching Sommagoods. Sommagoods is an initiative to bring even more of the value back to these women by selling directly to the customer.

In Europe 200 gr of shea butter products sells for €17

On the local market in Ghana 1 kg of shea butter sells for €1,50